Stomach • Thighs • Buttocks • Hips • Male Chest • Back • Arms
After a single 10 or 20 minute Laser Lipo session, patients typically see instant fat reduction. Most patients describe the laser treatment as a warm feeling with no pain, bruising or down-time. Recommended number of sessions may vary based on body type, weight, and target fat-loss goals to achieve maximum results.
A double-blind clinical study followed Laser Lipo subjects vs. placebo subjects over the course of 8 treatments. The average loss of treated subjects recorded was 3.7 inches at the level of one single measurement (Caruso-Davis, Guillot, Yu, Bissoon, Green, 2007).
Laser Lipo is a laser lipolysis procedure in which paddles are placed against the skin, and a cold red laser beam is emitted through the skin and into the fatty layer underneath. After the laser hits the fatty tissue beneath the skin, it induces the creation of pores and the intracellular content is released and removed by the body’s own lymphatic system. Surrounding tissues such as blood vessels, nerves and skin cells are unaffected by the procedure. Lipolysis may change the appearance of your body, but diet and exercise will determine if your results are permanent. If you do see visible results from your lipolysis, they should be permanent — provided you don't gain any weight. If you do gain weight, the results from lipolysis will likely disappear.
Pre Treatment
Heavy meals in the 2-4 hours before and after each treatment as this may confuse the body about what fat to metabolize.
Fasting before treatment - body will go into starvation mode and the fat may become more resistant to laser treatment.
Coffee, tea, or carbonated beverages prior to a treatment as these may cause bloating. Good hydration provides a healthy lymphatic system.
Treatment around time of menstruation may impact measurements because of bloating.
Post treatment:
Consume ½ body weight in ounces of water daily.